New Writing Office!
/The last tour I shared with you guys was of my home library where I would get the majority of my writing done. It’s still one of my favorite rooms in the house, but not necessarily the most convenient place when it comes to writing, mainly because its an open space so I literally hear everything that’s going on throughout the house, and secondly, the kids come and go as they please which tends to drive me up a wall. I was constantly asking them to quiet down or give me some space so that I can actually write a sentence in peace. That got old quick.
After a while, I asked my husband if we could share his office since he barely uses it (he has another office outside of the house). I was elated when he agreed but little did he know that I had plans to transform the entire space. He had plenty to say while I was painting, throwing out old furniture, and ordering new things, but he was happy with the end result. Plus it’s nice to have a place where we can come together while we work on our own individual projects.
What’s interesting about this room is that while I was working on it, my husband and I were going through some very difficult trials. I spent hours crying, praying, and worshipping as this place was being transformed. Little did I know…that I was being transformed as well. It’s amazing how God will use tangible things to reveal that He’s with you in every season of your life. Sometimes we can’t see it while we’re in the midst of the storm, but once everything settles, you’re suddenly aware that He was always there. My prayer and hope going forward is that we won’t be so consumed by fear or pain to see that GOD is a very present help in time of trouble; that we will always know and believe that like His Word says, He will never leave us or forsake us. He is worthy of our trust. We can count on Him ALWAYS being there.
I still come to this office to spend time with God every morning. It’s so much more than “a place to write.” Not every writer needs a designated room to get the job done, but it has become such a place of refuge for me and I’m grateful.
Now if I can actually get some writing done…
Always love and blessings,
“Don’t be afraid for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”