We Can Rest
/“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
This week I am resting in this scripture. Not in the fact that I have several short-comings that will never measure up to the standard that God desires, but in the truth that even though I do not measure up, I am justified by the finished work of Christ. There is nothing that I can do to make myself more accepted by God, nothing that I can do to earn the beautiful gift of salvation. It is not of myself that I have been saved, but by the grace of God. I don’t have to prove myself. I don’t have to compete with others. I don’t have to measure up. My Savior has redeemed me and loves me fully. I am free. I can rest. We can rest.
May you meditate on this as you journey through the week.
Always love and blessings,