An Evening with Zadie Smith

An Evening with Zadie Smith

Earlier this month, I had the absolute pleasure (and I don’t type that word lightly) of meeting Zadie Smith at an event at Arizona State University. Zadie Smith, who is a novelist (best selling author), essayist, short story writer, and a professor at New York University is also a writer whose work I’ve never had the pleasure of reading (I’m ashamed to even admit that).

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The Shadow

The Shadow

If anyone were to ask me about my childhood, I’d tell them that is was like no other, the best there ever was. Reminiscent of 80s and 90s childhood movies. The ones that made you feel good, when kids were just being kids, looking for adventure, running into a challenge here and there but always coming out victorious. The Goonies, The Sandlot, etc. What kid didn’t want that life? But it wasn’t always fun and adventure. Sometimes it resembled a scene from a different kind of movie…a horror movie.

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TBT - The Great Ms. Maya Angelou

TBT - The Great Ms. Maya Angelou

Throwback to Halloween when I recreated Ms. Angelou’s iconic photo. I had so much fun with this and to top it off, my 8 yr old was the photographer! Round of applause for my little man.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed reading. Library time was my favorite at school. Even when my teachers would have story time, I was eager to listen to them read whatever book they had chosen, especially my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Martin. She stuttered but that didn’t stop her from being animated and bringing all the characters to life with her dramatic voice changes. To this day, I have yet to encounter a better storyteller. Well done, Mrs. Martin! (Wherever you are)

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