Tis the Season...
/Tis the season to…barely decorate and get just enough of it done so your children won’t have a conniption because you didn’t put enough thought into the Christmas decorations this year. Look, I barely got the tree out of the garage, I was so uninterested, which is highly unlike me. I’m usually the mom who has the entire house decorated within the first week of November. It goes without saying that this has been a trying year and frankly, I’m tired of talking about it. We all get it. Let’s just be grateful for what we were able to accomplish.
Anyway, here’s Christmas in the Denga household...
…and can you believe that my children had the audacity to fix their mouths and say that these aren’t enough Christmas decorations? We have five trees in the house. Five! (Insert deep sigh) But I digress.
Wishing you all a joyful and stress-free holiday season. Don’t let the kids drive you crazy!
Always love and blessings,