Home Library Tour
/For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with books. I loved when it was time for the book fair at school because I couldn’t wait to stalk the shelves in the school’s library to see what new read awaited me. Whenever the teachers handed out the scholastic book order forms, I’d spend hours going through every item and circling what I wanted so I could beg my mom and dad to purchase them all. To this day, I search my seven-year-old’s book order form and choose books for him (because he has the audacity to only choose one or two…smh..sweet child doesn’t know any better). This last time, I’m pretty sure I bought twelve or fifteen (deep sigh) which made me and his teacher happy because she was eligible to receive over twenty free books because of my purchase (add it to my list of good deeds..j/k). Basically, my book buying habit may be a bit out of control, so it was only right that I have my very own library to house them all, right? Of course it is.
When my husband and I first moved into our home, I knew that I wanted to make the front room a library, but I also needed a writng room—one that the children didn’t have access to— so I opted for the latter.
Former Writing Room with a very happy me on the couch.
I didn’t even have a desk! I’d just sit on that not-so-comfortable couch and write for hours, even managed to shell out my first novel on that couch. I absolutely loved it, and everyone who stepped foot in the house knew that the writing room was off limits. It was my own little retreat…but my desire for a home library just wouldn’t let me be great.
Fast forward three years, and I had to have it—the library that is. So I recruited my husband and one of our best friends to make it a reality. I lost the retreat, because I was now opening up the room to the rest of the family, but I don’t regret a thing.
I just noticed that the fourth chair is missing from the table. My daughter took it for the desk in her room, and here I am trying to do a photo shoot. Can’t trust your own kids…
I was even able to add a little writing desk in the corner. Finally!
Found the vintage writing desk at a yard sale for 30 bucks! Win!
All of my children are talented artists, so it was only right that the gallery wall hosted their work.
Eh…Disregard the bottom right photo. Still waiting for one of my children to add to the collection. In the meantime, the stock photo will have to do…smh.
And how do the children feel about the new library, you ask? Well, this little fella has no complaints…
Again, I was trying to do a photo shoot and he was all up in the mix. He’s a cute accessory so I didn’t mind.
All in all, we love it and use the space differently. Hubby will hold meetings from time to time, my oldest and middle child use it mostly as a space to create art, the youngest…well, he seems to just go in there and leave books on the floor, and me…you guessed it, I write…and read!
Hope you all enjoyed the tour. Time for me to jump back into the book I’m currently reading (Misery-Stephen King…I love the movie. Kathy Bates know she crazy). Peace, y’all.
“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.”