Change Isn't So Bad...


…in fact, it can actually be very beautiful, and autumn is proof of that. Summer has always been my favorite season, but fall follows close behind, so if there is anything that makes leaving the long days and warm summer nights behind easier, it’s the cool air and changing leaves of Autumn. The smell of pumpkin spice, fall treats, and the cozy feeling of sitting by a small fire with your favorite blanket while reading a good book…or writing one.

Seeing the beauty in the change gives me a reason to let go of what must come to an end. So like our lives, when one door has closed or one season has ended, for those who abide in Christ, it will always work out for their good. In every battle and every painful circumstance, the rain will subside, the clouds will clear, and the sun will shine. It always has.

Allow the seasons to change. Don’t hold on to what’s meant to no longer be there. Something else is on the horizon. Something good. Something befitting for your current season. Something that will guide you further into what the Lord has purposed for you. So, as change approaches, fall in to the comfort of the Lord’s UNCHANGING hand.

My fall home decor…